Interplanetary Night I – Cawatana (@Ageless Club)
Sambata trecuta au fost o multime de concerte, nu mai putin de 3 in aceeasi zi (cele pe care le stiam eu). Eram oarecum in dificultate pentru ca promisesem sa ajung la lansarea de album Environments, dar eram interesata si de concertul din Ageless Club. Din fericire lucrurile s-au rezolvat pentru ca nu s-au suprapus ca timp, dar sa incep cu inceputul…
Am ajuns in Ageless Club in jurul orei anuntate de incepere a accesului pentru public. Am avut ceva de asteptat pana sa urce Cawatana pe scena, dar n-am simtit cum a trecut timpul. Am ascultat un setlist de neofolk cu Triarii, Death in June, ORE si alte trupe care-mi plac, si am stat de vorba cu gazdele, oameni foarte deschisi si calzi, si, putin, cu trupa.
Ce mi se pare trist e ca s-a adunat atat de putina lume. Mi-ar placea sa vad mai multi oameni interesati sa exploreze lucruri noi cand e vorba de muzica, nu sa ramana inchistati in aceleasi genuri. Cea mai mare parte a publicului nu pare de a iesi din entuziasmul adolescentin aratat fata de aceleasi 10 trupe care trec prin Romania o data la 2-3-4 ani. Ma intreb cand o sa intervina saturatia.
Cawatana si-au inceput live act-ul in jurul orei 20:30, intr-o ambianta discreta si intima. Ascultasem cateva piese pe youtube de cateva saptamani, asa ca am recunoscut cu placere doua dintre preferatele mele, Regret si We Live Silently. Ambele fac parte de pe albumul Advocation for Privileges, pe care il puteti asculta in intregime pe profilul de bandcamp al trupei, lucru care o sa va ajute sa va faceti o imagine mai buna despre ce au cantat sambata seara. In cateva cuvinte, stilul abordat este spre Neofolk/Dark Folk bazat mai mult pe chitara si voce, fara elementele de Martial care au facut acest gen atat de popular, lucru care imprima muzicii lor un efect de liniste si seninatate. Ii ajuta si o prezenta discreta si placuta pe scena. Ca sa ofer cateva repere, Cawatana vin din Ungaria, au o istorie de mai mult de 10 ani in spate si o prezenta pe scena de la Wave Gotik Treffen de acum 3 ani. Concertul de la Bucuresti a marcat o revenire sub o noua formula ca si componenta, si a fost prima prezenta a trupei pe o scena din Romania.
Sper ca vom mai avea ocazia sa-i revedem. Seara de sambata mi-a placut, o sa ascult mai mult. Transcriu si un set list pe care trupa mi l-a transmis prin Cavalleria Events, multumesc mult amandurora. Va recomand sa urmariti evenimentele anuntate de Cavalleria, si in special Ghost Gathering, un festival la care am fost si vara trecuta la Rasnov si care m-a cucerit.
Mai jos, setlistul si cateva fotografii.
Ana Maria C / multumiri Lex
Intro( A’lmot ige’n a hajnal)
Victory Over Glory
Real, Open
In Darkness
We Live Silently
Over Stray Thoughts
Oh, Cheerful Days Come
Unburied Hopes
Gloria Mundi
Outro (Hiba’tlan)
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We had many concerts last Saturday, not less than 3, all on the same day (at least the ones I knew about). I was in a difficult position since I promised to be at Environment’s album launch, but I was also interested in the event held in Ageless Club. Fortunately, the problem was solved because the events were not scheduled for the same hour, but let’s take one thing at the time…
I arrived in Ageless Club at the announced hour for the public access. I had to wait for some time before Cawatana went on stage, but I didn’t feel the time pass by. In the background one could listen to a Neofolk setlist that covered bands such as Triarii, Death in June, ORE and some other names whose music I enjoy. Other than that I chatted with the hosts, who are very open and warm persons, and also a little bit.with the band.
What I found sad is there were so few people in the audience. I’d like to see people more interested in exploring new territories when it comes to music, and not to remain frozen in the same old musical clichés. Most of the public here doesn’t seem to get over the teenage enthusiasm towards the same 10 band visiting Romania every once 2-3-4 years. I wonder when they’ll get over it.
Cawatana began their live act around 20:30, in a discrete and intimate ambiance. I’ve heard some songs on youtube weeks before, so I was glad to recognize two of my favorites, Regret and We Live Silently. Both are from the album Advocation for Privileges, fully streamed on the band’s profile at bandcamp. That should help you get a better perspective on what they’ve played Saturday evening. In not so many words, they’re a Neofolk/Dark Folk project based more on guitar and voice, stripped of the Martial insertions that made this kind of music so popular. Thus, their music evokes a calm and tranquil feel to the listener, an effect doubled by a pleasant presence on stage. The band hails from Hungary and is backed by more than 10 years of history. They also played live at Wave Gotik Treffen, 3 years ago. The concert in Bucharest was a come back featuring a new line up, and also their first live act in Romania.
I hope we’ll get the chance to see them again. I enjoyed Saturday evening, and I’ll listen to some more of their music. I’ll write down a setlist the band send through Cavalleria Events, and give them both a big thanks. I recommend you to keep an eye on the events Cavalleria will announce, with a special mention going to Ghost Gathering as I was at this festival last summer and they convinced me.
I’ll leave you with the setlist and some photos.
Ana Maria C / thank you, Lex
Intro( A’lmot ige’n a hajnal)
Victory Over Glory
Real, Open
In Darkness
We Live Silently
Over Stray Thoughts
Oh, Cheerful Days Come
Unburied Hopes
Gloria Mundi
Outro (Hiba’tlan)