Interviu – Radu Barna / The Thirteenth Sun
The Thirteenth Sun este o alta trupa destul de noua si de interesanta incat sa ramana in playlistul meu. Urmatorul pas a fost sa-l contactez pe Radu Barna (chitara/voce), care a acceptat sa ne raspunda la cateva intrebari. Ii puteti vedea in sambata in Ageless Club, alaturi de Valerinne, carora le-am luat un interviu acum cateva saptamani. Ii multumim lui Radu pentru timp si amabilitate, si va recomandam sa mergeti sa-i vedeti in cadrul evenimentului Interplanetary Night II.
Pe Thirteenth Sun ii puteti gasi online pe facebook, aici, si puteti asculta EP-ul Genesis aici. Detalii despre Interplanetary Night II, aici.
(sursa foto: facebook)
1. Salut, Radu! Vad ca fiecare dintre voi sunteti / ati fost implicati in multe alte proiecte muzicale, totusi in 2011 ati inceput The Thirteenth Sun. Cum v-a venit ideea sa colaborati impreuna?
Radu: Salut! Avand in vedere faptul ca multe din proiectele muzicale din care am facut fiecare parte au fost proiecte comune pentru unii dintre noi, banuiesc ca totul a decurs oarecum firesc in ceea ce priveste posibilitatea de a ne intalni intr-un proiect nou si mai ales in aceasta componenta. Asadar nu pot spune ca a existat un anumit moment in care ideea s-a materializat ci mai degraba ca totul a decurs in mod natural. Cu Marius Muntean am inceput sa colaborez inca de cand eram in liceu, iar perioadele in care nu am apucat sa facem muzica sau sa discutam despre muzica au fost destul de scurte. Cu Septimiu Harsan am canta impreuna in Indian Fall si in alte cateva proiecte, iar Licu Marius face si el parte din Indian Fall si asa sa ajuns sa lucram impreuna. Cu Flavius Misaras am inceput sa lucram in timpul inregistrarii EP-ului Genesis la Timisoara.
2. Ati cantat pentru prima data in concert la Brasov, in deschidere la Dordeduh / Sunset in the 12th House, cu care aveti o relatie stransa. Cum a fost prima voastra aparitie pe scena?
Radu: In primul rand totul a fost cat se poate de familiar pentru noi, in sensul ca am cantat alaturi de doua trupe care ne sunt foarte aproape din multe puncte de vedere si de asemenea ca totul s-a petrecut acasa in Brasov. Am avut parte de o reactie pozitiva a publicului desi nimeni nu stia la ce sa se astepte datorita faptului ca primul nostru material nu era inca lansat.
3. Primul vostru material, Genesis, a fost lansat acum cateva luni, la sfarsitul lui 2012. Sunteti multumiti de modul in care a fost primit?
Radu: Avand in vedere durata relativ scurta a materialului pot spune ca suntem destul de multumiti de modul in care acesta a fost primit de public. Feedback-ul pana acum este unul pozitiv, iar materialul reprezinta doar un punct de start al proiectului.
4. Am vazut intreg EP-ul pe youtube, insotit de videoclipuri facute de Costin Chioreanu. De unde v-a venit ideea de a folosi imagini din spatiu? Am observat ca sunt frecvent folosite in arta grafica / vizuala in ultima vreme. Sa fie pentru ca incepem sa constientizam ca suntem o parte a Universului?
Radu: Este destul de evident faptul ca facem parte dintr-un Univers extrem de vast si in acelasi timp plin intrebari care nu si-au gasit inca raspunsurile. In cazul nostru tematica spatiala nu tine numai de partea vizuala ci si de texte si de aceea ideea de a folosi elemente spatiale in partea grafica a venit mod firesc. De asemenea intregul concept muzical se bazeaza pe ideea de constientizare a dimensiunilor Universului in contrast cu scara cotidianului la nivelul caruia suntem majoritatea obisnuiti sa gandim.
5. Ca aminteam videoclipurile, tu esti atras de cinematografie, sau de alte forme de exprimare in arta?
Radu: In ceea ce priveste forma de exprimare in arta, muzica a fost intotdeauna principala pentru mine insa nu pot spune ca nu am fost atras si de alte metode exprimare. Aspectul vizual a devenit extrem de important pentru o trupa in ceea ce priveste mai ales partea de live si asta cred ca se intampla mai ales datorita faptului ca traim intr-o lume care devine pe zi ce trece din ce in ce mai dependenta de mediul multimedia. Intr-adevar partea vizuala aduce un mare plus oricarui proiect in sensul ca mesajul poate fi descifrat mai usor si impactul acestuia poate fi amplificat. In ceea ce priveste cinematografia pot spune ca intotdeauna am fost interesat de SF-uri, acestea fiind o preferinta comuna in trupa, oricum toti suntem fani Stanley Kubrick, George Lucas, David Lynch si multi altii.
6. Ce planuri de viitor aveti, pe cand un album complet?
Radu: In momentul de fata lucram la piesele ce vor face parte din primul nostru material full length si vom intra in studio undeva prin iarna anului acesta, iar daca toate vor decurge bine in primavara anului viitor il vom si lansa. In acelasi timp lucram si la partea conceptuala a albumului in paralel cu partea muzicala.
7. Sunteti anuntati la vara pe scena de la Ghostfest. Sunteti nerabdatori sa fiti acolo? Alte concerte in plan?
Radu: Ne face o deosebita placere sa participam la Ghostfest mai ales datorita faptului ca toti am participat anul trecut la acest festival, unii in calitate de spectatori, altii ca si artisti si pot spune ca toti am fost placut impresionati de starea de spirit a evenimentului si a oamenilor ce participa la acest eveniment. Locatia este una extrem frumoasa, totul se intampla in mijlocul naturii, ceea ce confera o atmosfera intr-adevar speciala evenimentului. Pe langa Ghostfest urmeaza sa participam la Interplanetary Night in Club Ageless in Bucuresi alaturi de Valerinne, o trupa care ne place foarte mult si cu care suntem nerabdatori sa cantam pe aceasi scena.
8. Cand am ascultat Genesis prima data, m-a dus cu gandul la Arcturus, poate si datorita videoclipurilor. Ce muzica ascultati si va influenteaza in procesul de creatie?
Radu: In trupa exista o diversitate a stilurilor muzicale ascultate de fiecare dintre noi insa in acelasi timp sunt si multe puncte comune si cred ca toti reusim sa ne influentam unul pe altul in ceea ce priveste procesul de creatie. Arcturus este intr-adevar una dintre trupele mele preferate, printre care se mai numara si Borknagar, Ulver, Opeth, Enslaved, Emperor etc.
9. Daca ati putea colabora cu orice persoana in plan muzical, care ar fi cea pe care ati alege-o?
Radu: Daca ar fi sa aleg din mediul muzical, mai mult ca sigur as fi foarte interesat sa colaborez cu Kristoffer Rygg.
10. Multumesc pentru raspunsuri. Succes pe viitor!
Radu: Multumesc de asemenea pentru oportunitate.
1. Hello Radu! I ‘ve noticed all your bandmates are / were involved together in various musical projects, still you decided to start The Thirteenth Sun in 2011. How did the idea of this collaboration first came?
Radu: Hi! Considering that we were together in most of the musical projects we were in, I guess it was natural for us to meet in this formula. Therefore I cannot say there was a certain moment the idea came to life, it was more of a natural process. I started to collaborate with Marius Muntean since high school, and the periods of time we weren’t making music or talking about it were brief. I played with Septimiu Harsan in Indian Fall and some other bands, Licu Marius is also in Indian Fall so we ended together. We started to work with Flavius Misaras while recording our EP, Genesis, in Timisoara.
2. Your first live appearance was in Brasov, as an opening act for Dordeduh / Sunset in the 12th House, who are quite close to you. How was your first live act?
Radu: First of all, it was all very familiar for us because we performed with two bands which are very close to us in many aspects, and second, because it all happened home, in Brasov. We had positive reactions from the public although no one knew what to expect, since our first studio material was not released yet.
3. Your first EP, Genesis, was launched few months ago, at the end of 2012. Are you satisfied with the reactions so far?
Radu: The material is pretty short so we are quite pleased with how it was received by the public. The feedback is positive so far, and the EP is just a starting point for our project.
4. I watch the whole EP on, with videos made by Costin Chioreanu. How did you came up with the idea of using images from space? I noticed they are quite used in visuals / graphic art at this moment. Is it because we are starting to become conscious of our place as a part of the Universe?
Radu: I think it’s pretty obvious that we’re part of an Universe that’s infinite and at the same time full of still unanswered questions. In our case, we chose the space theme not only for the visuals but also for the lyrics, so the idea to incorporate it in our visuals came natural. Also, the whole musical concept is based on the idea of becoming aware of the dimensions of the Universe, comparing to the daily scale most of us are accustomed to use.
5. As I was just talking about the videos, are you attracted to cinematography or other forms of art?
Radu: When it comes to expressions of art, music was always the primary means of manifestation for me, but I can’t say I wasn’t drawn to other forms. Visuals have become very important for a band especially when it comes to the live sector and that’s because, we live in a world that is increasingly becoming addicted to the multimedia environment. It’s true that visuals bring a plus to every project, in a way of way to decipher the message easily and so to intensify it. About cinematography, I was always interested in SF – this being a common thread in the band – so we are all fans Stanley Kubrik, George Lucas, David Lynch and many more.
6. What plans for the future do you have? When can we expect a full album?
Radu: At the moment we are working on the songs that are going to be featured on our first full length. We’ll be entering the studio somewhere during this winter and if all goes well, we’ll be launching it next year. At the same time, we are going advancing with the conceptual work as well, not just the music.
7. You are scheduled to play this summer at Ghostfest. Are you excited to be there? Do you have other concerts planed?
Radu: We are thrilled to be part of Ghostfest, especially because we all attended this festival last year, some of us as part of the crowd, some of us as artists. I can say we were pleasantly impressed by what happened during the event and by the people there. The location was especially beautiful, everything takes place in nature, which confers a special atmosphere to the event. Apart from Ghostfest we are going to perform at Interplanetary Night in Club Ageless in Bucharest alongside Valerinne – a band we like very much and with whom we’re looking forward to play with.
8. When I first listened to Genesis, I immediately thought of Arcturus, maybe because of the videos too. What music do you listen to and what influences you in the creation process?
Radu: Within the band one can find a diversity of musical styles, but of course there are a lot of common points and I think we manage to influence one another when it comes to the creation process. Arcturus is indeed one of my favorite bands, alongside Borknagar, Ulver, Opeth, Enslaved, Emperor etc.
9. If you could collaborate with someone musically, who would you choose?
Radu: If I had to choose I’d surely pick Kristoffer Rygg.
10. Thank you for answering. Good luck in the future!
Radu: Thank you very much for this opportunity as well.