Kruna Neios – Rome, Cecilia::Eyes & Syven (@ Reduta, Brasov)
I sought my guide in the solace of my dreams,
The Windman taught me the art of descent,
Moving in forest thought without form…
Atunci cand sunt acolo, totul are sens, pentru moment. Dispar indoielile, framantarile, fragilitatea, teama incontrolabila de ceva imposibil de numit. Muzica este nu este doar in fata mea, pe o scena, ci ocupa tot locul din jurul meu, uneste toate posibilitatile, toate caile alternative, si le topeste in lumina. Inca indraznesc sa sper ca poate muzica ne uneste. Poate intr-o zi ne vom trezi ca gandim aceleasi ganduri, ca visam acelasi vis.
Am strabatut acelasi drum pentru a treia oara, ca sa vad trei trupe. Prima a fost o iubire veche. Am fost la primul concert Rome in 2009, sambata trecuta la Reduta ii vedeam pentru a patra oara. De fiecare data a fost un sentiment diferit, si de fiecare data am trait o senzatie intensa a clipei prezente, fara nicio rememorare a trecutului. N-as spune ca au devenit mai buni decat fata de cele doua concerte la care am fost in 2011, dar cu siguranta au fost altfel, mai aproape de ceea ce ar trebui sa fie. Setlistul a fost oarecum apropiat fata de cel din Kulturhaus, si nu a inclus decat o singura piesa de pe Hell Money, si anume This Cruel Fire This Silver Coil, dar nici nu mi-as fi dorit mai mult pentru ca ultimul album nu mi-a spus nimic. Cele mai dragi parti din setlistul de la Kruna Neios: Das Feuerordal (if you were mine, I’d blush a little and… die); o melodie noua, inca neinregistrata, care nu stiu sigur cum se numeste (posibil Still) dar care este absolut naucitoare; All for Naught, in special pentru partea de percutie; Der Braudtaucher si To Teach Obedience. Mi-a placut foarte mult modul relaxat, aproape permanent, de comunicare dintre Jerome si publicul. Daca spuneam ca albumul nou nu m-a convins, cu siguranta concertul a facut-o – sunt pe drumul cel bun si abia astept sa-i revad si in continuare.
A doua trupa a fost o ocazie de a recupera ceva ce am pierdut. Ma refer la primul lor concert, la care nu am putut ajunge. Cecilia::Eyes au fost o permanenta in setlistul meu din iarna anului trecut, pentru ca nu stiu de ce dar asociez muzica lor cu iarna, sunt parti din piesele lor care-mi evoca delicatetea unui fulg de zapada. Live, se pierde acesta senzatie, inlocuita mai degraba de una de energie. Inca de la inceput am fost insistent indemnati sa nu stam pe scaune, si sa ocupam locul din fata. Prima incercare a fost ratata, pentru ca au existat niste probleme de sunet si putinii veniti in fata scenei s-au intors oarecum descumpaniti la locurile lor, dupa care invitatia a fost repetata si am fost printre cei care i-au dat curs. A fost un sentiment placut sa stau atat de aproape de scena de la Brasov, daca ma sprijineam cu mainile de marginea ei puteam sa simt energia vibrand… Mi-au placut cel mai mult For the Fallen si Death for Treason, si mi-a parut rau ca nu au cantat si Farewell She Whispered.
A treia trupa a fost motivul principal pentru care ma aflam acolo. Cred ca tot candva pe la sfarsitul anului trecut am descoperit Syven, si nu mi-a venit sa cred auzului… De obicei muzica ambient este mai degraba evocativa, ca si cand ar aminti ascultatorului de ceva trecut, insa Syven au o putere incredibila de a da viata unei alte lumi, si de a-l face o parte din ea pe cel care ii asculta. E oarecum frustrant, dar probabil cea mai importanta parte din ceea ce am simtit nu o voi spune niciodata, in parte pentru ca nu sunt buna cand e vorba de cuvinte, in parte pentru ca mi se pare extrem de personal. Instrumentul traditional pe care-l foloseste A.T., kantele, e incredibil, dar frumusetea lui mi se pare ca s-ar disipa daca ar fi folosit intr-un spatiu mai larg, pare facut pentru locuri mai restranse, mai intime. Partea vocala, pe de alta parte – A.K-S – stiam ca este puternica si capabila de o scala larga de inflexiuni, insa ce a fost neasteptat pentru mine a fost modul in care impresia de solemnitate se imbina cu atat de multa caldura. How Fare the Gods? a fost cea in care m-am regasit cel mai mult, dintre cele patru interpretari live. A urmat un video facut pentru albumul de debut, Corpus Cristi, care este foarte, foarte bun. De pe al doilea album, preferata mea este Renascentia, si melodia, si filmarea care o insoteste. Nu stiu, dar sper ca voi avea ocazia sa-i mai vad candva pe scena, nu cred ca mi-ar placea nimic mai mult decat asta…
Probabil e ultimul text cu impresii in urma unui concert pe care il voi mai scrie, mi se pare oarecum potrivit sa fi inceput cu Rome in 2011 si sa termin cu acelasi eveniment si aceeasi trupa. A fost un proiect care a durat un an, am scris 12 texte (acesta e al 13-lea), si a fost un demers care nu ar fi mers atat de departe fara sustinerea masiva si constanta a unui grup de prieteni speciali. Lor le multumesc.
Ana Maria C.
Setlists Kruna Neios:
Rome: The Consolation of Man / Spanish Drummer / Das Feuerordal / Merchand Fleet / Seeds of Liberation / All For Naught / To Teach Obedience / This Silver Coil / New song / In Cruel Fire / PAct of Blood / Sons of Aeeth / Birds of Prey / Der Brandtaucher / Querkraft / Neue Erinnerung / Reversion
Cecilia::Eyes: Default Descent / Flags / Like Wolves / For the Fallen / Peter Star / Death for Treason / Loreta / Lord Howe Rise (zebra) / Fink / No Homeland
Syven: Syvuus / Corpus Cristi / Jaljet / How Fare the Gods?
I sought my guide in the solace of my dreams,
The Windman taught me the art of descent,
Moving in forest thought without form…
When I’m there, it all makes sense for a second. Doubts disappear, so does torment and fragility as well as the inexplicable fear of something impossible to name. The music does not just stand before me, on a stage, but it fills my surroundings, it binds all possibilities, the alternate path and melts them into light. I still dare to hope that maybe music unites us somehow. Maybe one day we will find ourselves thinking the same thoughts, dreaming the same dream.
I went the same way I did the last three times, to see three bands. The first one was an old love of mine. I was at the first Rome concert back in 2009, and last Saturday in Reduta I saw them for the fourth time. Each time I see them I get a very different feeling, nevertheless covered up by intense realizations of living the moment, without revisiting the past. I can’t say they got better, compared to the last two shows they performed here in 2011, but they were certainly a bit different, maybe a little closer to what they are supposed to be like. The set list was somehow similar to the one in Kulturhaus. They included only one track from their latest album Hell Money, the song entitled This Silver Coil. I didn’t crave for more to be honest, as the experience of their latest album didn’t say anything to me. The songs I found most dear to me from their setlist were Das Feuerordal (if you were mine, I’d blush a little and… die); a new track yet unnamed (could be Still) which proved to be crushing nevertheless, All for Naught – mostly for the percussion part; Der Braudtaucher and To Teach Obedience. I really enjoyed the relaxed way Jerome was communicating with the public at all time. So even if I’m not such a huge fan of their last album, the concert was an incredible experience for me – they are on the right track and I look forward seeing them again.
The second band gave me a chance to catch up. I’m talking about their first concert that I couldn’t attend back then. Cecilia::Eyes were always present in my setlist last winter, because I somehow I associate their music with winter. Some parts actually make me bind their music with the delicacy of a snowflake. Live that sensation is lost and is replaced with energy and vivacity. Right from the start we were invited to come closer to the stage, closer to them. The first call out was passed up due to some technical issues, and the few people who got close to the sage returned awkwardly to their seats. But then the invitation came again and so some did accede. It was a good feeling being so next to the stage. I could even have leaned with my hands on the stage to feel the vibrating energy. I really liked For the Fallen, Death for Treason. Nevertheless I felt sorry they didn’t perform Farewell She Whispered.
The third band was the main reason I was sitting there in the first place. I think that during the end of the last year I discovered Syven and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Usually ambient music is quite evocative, as if it exists to remind the listeners of the past, but Syven hold an immense power and so they bring life to another world and bring into that world the listener. It’s quite frustrating, but probably what I really felt can’t be ever conveyed into words, for the most part because I’m not really good with word and also because I found the experience to be very personal. The traditional instrument used by A.T. the kantele is incredible, but I fear its beauty might vanish when used in a wider venue, as it seems to be perfect for secluded environments that are more intimate. The vocal part on the other hand is extremely powerful and capable of multiple inflections. What was impressive for me is the way the vocalist managed to blend the solemnity in his voice with so much warmth. How Fare the Gods? was the song I found myself most in from the four live interpretations. A video followed from their freshly released debut album Corpus Cristi that sounds incredibly well. From the second album my favorite track was Renascentia along with the music and the visuals. I don’t know but I hope I will be able to see them again on stage, I wouldn’t like anything more.
This is probably my last text featuring impressions from a concert I will ever write. I find it somehow appropriate that I have started with Rome in 2011 and I finish with an event where the same band performed. This was a project that lasted a whole year, I’ve written 12 texts (this is the 13th). a project that wouldn’t have gone so far hadn’t it for the massive and constant support of a group of special friends. Thank you.
Ana Maria C. / translated by Lex A.
Rome: The Consolation of Man / Spanish Drummer / Das Feuerordal / Merchand Fleet / Seeds of Liberation / All For Naught / To Teach Obedience / This Silver Coil / New song / In Cruel Fire / PAct of Blood / Sons of Aeeth / Birds of Prey / Der Brandtaucher / Querkraft / Neue Erinnerung / Reversion
Cecilia::Eyes: Default Descent / Flags / Like Wolves / For the Fallen / Peter Star / Death for Treason / Loreta / Lord Howe Rise (zebra) / Fink / No Homeland
Syven: Syvuus / Corpus Cristi / Jaljet / How Fare the Gods?
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