MONO & Dirk Serries Microphonics – in Timisoara@Daos
E un drum lung pana la Timisoara, si parca am trecut printr-o suita de anotimpuri – pe Dunare, la Orsova, m-a intampinat o ploaie cenusie si un peisaj monocromatic, la intoarcere, in schimb, era un soare de primavara. Si in oras, cu o zi inainte de concert, a nins fermecator, ca intr-o poveste. Ma plimbam dimineata, singura intr-un oras ca intr-un vis, cadeau fulgi mari si linistiti, retraiam copilaria, pacea, impacarea. Ma ascundeam sub copaceilor ornamentali, cu coroane in forma de umbrelute napadite de zapada, hoinaream pe strazi, fara tinta…
… asta pana a venit seara de 10 februarie, cand m-am indreptat la ora anuntata spre Daos Club. E pentru prima data cand am fost acolo, eram curioasa cum e, stiu ca i-am asaltat cu un tir de intrebari pe prietenii mei timisoreni in legatura cu asta. Ajuns acolo, am admirat sala in asteptarea concertului, mi-a placut mult totul, luminile, echipamentul de sunet care era pe scena si pe langa scena, se vedea ca totul a fost atent gandit si imi pare tare rau ca Timisoara e atat de departe, daca era mai aproape cu siguranta as fi tentata sa vin acolo mai des, mai ales ca am vazut ca se fac multe concerte, cu nume interesante. Dupa o sesiune dubla de cumparaturi pe la standul de merch din care am prins ceea ce mi s-a spus ca era singurul girlie t-shirt cu Mono pe care-l aveau la ei in turneu, am ramas in sala, in fata, asteptand.
In deschidere a fost Dirk Serries Microphonics, pe care nu-l ascultasem foarte mult dar citisem pe Internet ca-i apartine unui artist prolific, implicat in multe proiecte, de multa vreme, si care recent a ales sa cante sub propriul lui nume. Un al doilea album, numit “Microphonic xxi-xxxv / mounting among the waves, there’s a light in vein. the burden of hope across thousands of rivers”, este anuntat pentru luna martie a acestui an. Ce am ascultat duminica la Timisoara m-a facut sa fiu mai mult decat interesata de aceasta lansare. Proiectul este unul minimalist, atmosferic, care te transpune intr-un univers cosmic sau poate subacvatic, ma ducea cu gandul la muzica sferelor sau a adancurilor oceanelor. Mi-am amintit in timpul concertului ca am citit intr-un interviu mai vechi de-al lui despre modul in care muzica lui interactioneaza cu structura locatiei, si cum e intotdeauna altfel, in functie de locul in care e interpretata. Mi s-a parut foarte interesant si m-a facut sa-mi imaginez sunetele, ca o unda, cum vin spre cei prezenti si apoi, poate, se intorc… Set-up-ul de lumini de asemenea era bine ales, artistul era ascuns aproape in intregime in intuneric cu exceptia mainilor de pe chitara, si, uneori, a fetei – cam in acelasi fel cum a fost la Bohren and der Club of Gore anul trecut. E minunat atunci cand toate elementele converg spre a intregi o experienta completa.
Scena s-a schimbat apoi pentru Mono. Imi amintesc cand am ascultat prima data ultimul lor album, “For My Parents”, senzatia care m-a insotit, de a fi ridicata dintr-o data undeva, sus, si de a privi de acolo un peisaj de o frumusete aproape ireala. Muzica lor e un mix elegant de post-rock / instrumental si shoegaze, care inspira ascultatorilor un amestec de sentimente, pentru mine e ca si cand as deveni acut constienta de fragilitatea existentei si in acelasi timp de forta care deriva din ea, cu care se intrepatrunde. Ca si lunga calatorie pe care o facusem, muzica ma purta de la senzatia unei dimineti insorite, prin furtuni dezlantuite, pana la momentul unei lungi uitari de sine. Sunt convinsa ca pentru fiecare dintre cei prezenti in sala a fost o experienta singulara, si in acelasi timp profunda si personala. Acesta e motivul pentru care am recomandat insistent tuturor prietenilor cu care nu am putut fi la Timisoara sa nu rateze urmatoarea intalnire cu Mono. In putinele momente in care am fost constienta de ce se intampla in jurul meu, am remarcat prezenta eleganta a celor de pe scena, reactia (aproape in totalitate) frumoasa a publicului, faptul ca blitzurile au fost, in sfarsit, foarte putin folosite, toate detaliile menite sa nu altereze momentul si atmosfera.
Un bis a fost cerut cu insistenta, in special de cei din primele randuri, dar trecuseram deja de linia de final. Pana la urmatoarea reintalnire cu Mono, care, din fericire, se va petrece curand, muzica lor imi va ramane aproape.
text and photo: Ana Maria C
Setlist Mono:
Burial at Sea
Dream Odyssey
Pure as Snow
Follow the Map
Unseen Harbor
Ashes in the Snow
Everlasting Light
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It’d been a long way to Timisoara, and it seemed like I had traveled through the entire cycle of seasons. On the Danube, at Orsova, I’d been greeted by grey rain and a monochromatic landscape. On the other hand, on my way back, we had spring-like sun. And, in the city, a day before the concert, it snowed enchantingly, like in a fairy-tale. I had a walk in the morning, all alone in a dream-like city. Big and still snowflakes were falling, and it was like re-living my childhood, and I had a sentiment of peace and comfort. I hid beneath little ornamental trees with their snow-covered umbrella-shaped branches. I wandered on the streets, without any destination in mind…
… until evening of February, 10 came, when I headed for Daos Club, at the announced hour. It was my first time there, and I was curious about the surroundings. I know I bombarded my friends from Timisoara with a riffle of questions. When I arrived, I admired the club while waiting for the concert to begin, and I really liked everything a lot, the lights, the sound equipment on and near the stage. It was obvious that everything was planned out carefully and I felt sorry that Timisoara is so far away. I would be tempted to go there more often, if the place was closer, especially because I noticed they have many events with interesting bands. After a double session of shopping at the merchandise stand (where I found the only Mono girl t-shirt they had on tour with them), I waited in the hall, in front of the stage.
The opening act was Dirk Serries Microphonics, a band I hadn’t listened to that much. But I had read about it on the Internet and had found out that it belongs to a prolific artist, involved in various projects for long periods of time, and who had recently chosen to sing under his own name. A second album, “Microphonic xxi-xxxv / mounting among the waves, there’s a light in vein. the burden of hope across thousands of rivers”, is expected to be released this year, in March. What I listened to in Timisoara made me more than interested in the release. The project is minimal, atmospheric, projecting the listener in a cosmic universe or maybe underwater somewhere, making me think about the music of the spheres or about the depth of the ocean. During the concert, I remembered I had read in an older interview about the way music interacts with the structure of the location, and how it is always different, depending on where it is performed. I thought that was very exciting and made me imagine the sound like a wave, coming towards the public, and then, maybe, returning…The light set-up was also very well chosen. The artist was almost entirely hidden in the dark, except for his hands on the guitar and, sometimes, his face – in a similar manner with Bohren and der Club of Gore from last year. I found it wonderful how all the elements converged for a complete experience.
Then, the scene changed for Mono. I remember when I first listened to their latest album, “For My Parents”, the sensation I had, like being suddenly lifted somewhere up in the air, and, from there, being able to admire a landscape of almost surreal beauty. Their music is an elegant mix of post-rock / instrumental and shoegaze, inspiring to the listeners an amalgam of feelings. For me it’s like becoming painfully aware of the fragility of existence and, at the same time, of its strength, the two of them coexisting. Just like a long journey I took, the music carried me from the sensation of a sunny morning, through unleashed storms, to the moment of a prolonged self-abandonment. I am convinced that, for each person there, it was a unique experience, meaningful and personal at the same time. That is the reason why I insistently recommend to all my friends who couldn’t come to Timisoara not to miss the second meeting with Mono.
In the few moments, I was aware of the surroundings, I noticed the elegant presence of the band on stage, the beautiful reaction of (almost) everyone in the public, the fact that the flash lights were used properly. All the little details meant to subtly emphasize and not alter the moment and the atmosphere.
An encore was insistently asked for at the end, especially by the people in front, but we had crossed the finish line already. Until the next meeting with Mono, which fortunately will happen soon, I will keep their music near.
text and photo: Ana Maria C / proofreader: Little Aesthete
Mono setlist:
Burial at Sea
Dream Odyssey
Pure as Snow
Follow the Map
Unseen Harbor
Ashes in the Snow
Everlasting Light