Our Ceasing Voice & Valerinne @ Control Club
Nu credeam ca am sa-i revad pe Valerinne asa de curand, dar, dupa numai cateva zile de la evenimentul despre care am scris ultima data, am pornit spre Clubul Control, unde urmau sa concerteze in deschidere la Our Ceasing Voice. Doream sa vad cum suna un concert in noua locatie a clubului, care acum e situat undeva pe langa Cercul Militar.
Am ajuns putin dupa ora 20:00, anuntata ca ora de incepere, dar nu ma grabeam pentru ca stiu ca rareori se incepe “la fix”. Asa ca am avut timp suficient sa socializez si, mai important, sa-mi cumpar bilet pentru concertul Swans (18 mai), pe care abia il astept.
In cele din urma, am trecut dincolo, in Sala Berlin, cam exact cand incepea Valerinne. Am dat in textul de data trecuta destule repere despre ei. Intre timp am aflat in plus faptul ca vor canta la dunk!festival (Belgia), ceea ce e mega fain, mai ales ca sunt prima trupa din Romania care ajunge acolo. Miercuri au inceput cu o piesa noua despre care nu au spus cum se numeste, dar care suna bine de tot. Au urmat cele de pe album, dintre care mi-au placut Medusa, Mons, Aphelion/Perihelion. Ma tem ca sunt subiectiva, in ultima vreme trupa aceasta a ajuns sa-mi placa mult. Muzica lor era ca o injectie cu energie pura. Imi pare rau ca publicul a fost atat de static, eu una cu greu puteam sta locului 😀 Am gasit niste filmari faine pe youtube, facute de Marius Costache / asiluum, inserez una aici, daca vreti sa vedeti sa va faceti o idee despre cum a sunat:
A urmat un lung moment de pauza in care cei de la Our Ceasing Voice au ocupat scena in intregime, atat ei cat si echipamentul lor. Daca nu-i cunoasteti si vreti sa va faceti o idee despre muzica lor, pe pagina lor de bandcamp puteti asculta in intregime ultimul album, That Day Last November. Cu prima piesa de pe acest album, Afterglow, au si inceput concertul de miercuri. In putine cuvinte, muzica lor insumeaza pasaje mai atmosferice, urmate de ruperi de ritm mai agresive. Cum asta se poate spune despre multe trupe de post-rock, cred ca am vazut un live act placut, fara a fi insa spectaculos. Cel mai mult mi-a placut Like Wildfire, are o poezie aparte. Un setlist aproximativ cred ca ar fi: Afterglow / Hopes of Yore / Highway Lights / Like Wildfire / Of Lives Once Lost / Passenger Killed in Hit and Run / For Darkness Fear the Light / The City that Once Had a Name. Publicul a fost ceva mai concentrat in partea din fata scenei, si mai animat. Per total a fost un show placut.
O sa adaug in final cateva aspecte pro si contra, care nu as vrea sa supere pe nimeni. A fost foarte frumos miercuri faptul ca sala era plina, ca a venit multa lume, si salut mutarea clubului pentru ca noua locatie e mai spatioasa si mai eleganta. O parte a celor din public, insa, au stat de vorba intre ei pe toata durata concertului, ceea ce e deranjant si lipsit de respect atat fata de cel de langa ei, cat si fata de trupe. Daca suntem la un concert, suntem veniti sa ascultam muzica – socializarea cred ca se poate foarte bine amana pentru mai tarziu. Nu-mi place sa o spun, dar unei parti a publicului ii lipseste mult respectul, fata de altul si fata de sine. O alta problema a fost ca s-a fumat la fel de mult cat s-a vorbit. Oricat de bine aerisit ar fi, sala este mica si daca 90% fumeaza, aerul devine de nerespirat… Nu am putut sa urmaresc ultima parte din concertul Our Ceasing Voice pentru ca eram in cautarea unui loc mai putin afumat, in spate, si in cele din urma a trebuit sa ies afara. Nu cred in interdictii, dar poate ar fi mai bine sa se interzica fumatul la concerte, daca grija, respectul si educatia sunt straine unora.
Urmatorul concert despre care sper sa scriu e tot Mono, dupa care va urma o luna martie plina de multe concerte frumoase 🙂
Ana Maria C / multumiri lui Lex A
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Well, I didn’t think I’d see Valerinne again that soon, but, after few days since the event I last wrote about, here I was, heading to Control Club. There, Valerinne was about to play as an opening act for Our Ceasing Voice. I also wanted to attend a concert in the new location of the club, which is now situated somewhere near the Club of the National Army.
I arrived a little after 8 o’clock, the announced opening hour, but I was in no hurry since I know a concert rarely begins in time. I had sufficient time to socialize and, more important, to buy myself a ticket for Swans (to be held on May, 18), which I am looking forward to.
Finally, we entered Berlin Hall, precisely in time for Valerinne. I think I gave enough details about them in my last text. I found meanwhile they are also in the line-up at dunk!festival this year, which is wonderful, they’re the first Romanian band who made it there. Last Wednesday, they begun with a new song, they haven’t told us its name but it sounded really good. The songs on their album were next, and I especially liked Medusa, Mons, Aphelion/Perihelion. I am afraid I am a little subjective, but this band had grown inside me in the last few months. Their music was like an injection with pure energy. I’m sorry the public was so static, when I could barely stay still 😀 I found some good videos on youtube, made by Marius Costache / asiluum, and I will insert one of them here, to give you an idea about how it really was:
A long pause followed on, enough for Our Ceasing Voice to occupy the stage, them and their gear. If you don’t know them and you wish to have a more precise idea about their music, you can least the whole new album, The Day Last November, on their bandcamp page. As a matter of fact, they started the concert with the first song on this album, Afterglow. In few words, their music sums atmospheric parts, followed by more aggressive rhythms. But you can pretty much say that about many post-rock bands, so I think I witnessed a good live act, without a wow factor. I enjoyed Like Wildfire the most, this song has a special kind of poetry. An approximate setlist I think it is: Afterglow / Hopes of Yore / Highway Lights / Like Wildfire / Of Lives Once Lost / Passenger Killed in Hit and Run / For Darkness Fear the Light / The City that Once Had a Name. There were more people in front of the stage, and they grew more animated. Overall, it was a pleasant concert.
I wish to add some pros and cons, and I hope no one will take offense in that. It was very good that the club was almost full last Wednesday and that the club decided to move in a larger and more elegant venue. But some people talked for the most part of the concert, which is annoying and disrespectful to the people near, and to the bands. If you are at a concert, you’re here to listen and enjoy the music – you can let socializing for latter. I hate to say it, but I noticed on many occasions a part of the public lack respect, to others and in the end to themselves. Another problem was they smoked as much as they talked. No matter how good a hall is ventilated, in small venues, if 90% of us smoke, the air becomes impossible to breathe. .. I couldn’t watch for the last part of Our Ceasing Voice because I was looking for a breath of fresh air in the back of the hall, and in the end I had to go outside. I don’t believe in interdictions, but perhaps it would be better to ban smoking at concerts, if people lack care for others, respect and education.
Next, I’ll be and hope to write about Mono – for the second time, and a month full of interesting concert will follow afterwards 🙂